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17 Lessons
Build Suspense
Start Course
13 Lessons
Character Arc Mastery
Character Arc Mastery shows you exactly how to design captivating, realistic character transformations that drive the plot and develop themes . . . for all of your characters.
Not Enrolled
9 Lessons
Character Values & Beliefs
Not Enrolled
8 Lessons
Craft a Character Profile
Not Enrolled
10 Lessons
Create a Scene Outline
Not Enrolled
15 Lessons
Define a Story Setting
Not Enrolled
9 Lessons
Design an Intriguing Backstory
Not Enrolled
14 Lessons
Design Character Flaws
Not Enrolled
9 Lessons
Design Character Strengths
Not Enrolled
11 Lessons
Develop Story Themes
Not Enrolled
12 Lessons
Discover Your Authorial Voice
Discover who you are as a writer and the writer you want to be. Through a series of exercises, examine your unique authorial attributes, what you love about others' works, and how to blend these things into a magical voice that only you can have.
Not Enrolled
30 Lessons
Discover Your Story Challenge
Not Enrolled
8 Lessons
Dramatizing Inner Conflict Workshop
Write your characters’ internal struggles with powerful emotions that keep the reader wondering what happens next.
Not Enrolled
10 Lessons
Dramatizing the Emotion “Fear”
Not Enrolled
4 Lessons
Establish Story Stakes
Not Enrolled
27 Lessons
Great Scenes MegaCourse
Not Enrolled
12 Lessons
Pacing Your Story
Not Enrolled
18 Lessons
Plot Essentials Workshop
Discover the foundations of plot development and set the groundwork for how to structure a dramatic narrative.
Not Enrolled
14 Lessons
Point of View Workshop
Maximize drama, suspense, and connection with characters by choosing and leveraging the right narrative perspective.
Not Enrolled
12 Lessons
Write a Compelling First Chapter
Not Enrolled
14 Lessons
Write a Great Antagonist Workshop
Not Enrolled
8 Lessons
Write a Great Beginning
Not Enrolled
8 Lessons
Write a Satisfying Ending
Not Enrolled
12 Lessons
Write an Exciting Story Middle
Not Enrolled
10 Lessons
Write an Intimate Personal Essay
Not Enrolled
18 Lessons
Write Dramatic Action Scenes
Not Enrolled
7 Lessons
Write Dramatic Character Relationships
Not Enrolled
12 Lessons
Write Great Subplots
Not Enrolled
12 Lessons
Write Vivid Character Descriptions
Not Enrolled
13 Lessons
Write Vivid Narration Workshop
Discover how to brainstorm and write strong, unique metaphors and similes that will bring beauty and power to your work. Master crafting imagery so that readers better understand and connect with your characters and story.
Not Enrolled
17 Lessons
Build Suspense
Start Course
13 Lessons
Character Arc Mastery
Character Arc Mastery shows you exactly how to design captivating, realistic character transformations that drive the plot and develop themes . . . for all of your characters.
Not Enrolled
9 Lessons
Character Values & Beliefs
Not Enrolled
8 Lessons
Craft a Character Profile
Not Enrolled
10 Lessons
Create a Scene Outline
Not Enrolled
15 Lessons
Define a Story Setting
Not Enrolled
9 Lessons
Design an Intriguing Backstory
Not Enrolled
14 Lessons
Design Character Flaws
Not Enrolled
9 Lessons
Design Character Strengths
Not Enrolled
11 Lessons
Develop Story Themes
Not Enrolled
12 Lessons
Discover Your Authorial Voice
Discover who you are as a writer and the writer you want to be. Through a series of exercises, examine your unique authorial attributes, what you love about others' works, and how to blend these things into a magical voice that only you can have.
Not Enrolled
30 Lessons
Discover Your Story Challenge
Not Enrolled
8 Lessons
Dramatizing Inner Conflict Workshop
Write your characters’ internal struggles with powerful emotions that keep the reader wondering what happens next.
Not Enrolled
10 Lessons
Dramatizing the Emotion “Fear”
Not Enrolled
4 Lessons
Establish Story Stakes
Not Enrolled
27 Lessons
Great Scenes MegaCourse
Not Enrolled
12 Lessons
Pacing Your Story
Not Enrolled
18 Lessons
Plot Essentials Workshop
Discover the foundations of plot development and set the groundwork for how to structure a dramatic narrative.
Not Enrolled
14 Lessons
Point of View Workshop
Maximize drama, suspense, and connection with characters by choosing and leveraging the right narrative perspective.
Not Enrolled
12 Lessons
Write a Compelling First Chapter
Not Enrolled
14 Lessons
Write a Great Antagonist Workshop
Not Enrolled
8 Lessons
Write a Great Beginning
Not Enrolled
8 Lessons
Write a Satisfying Ending
Not Enrolled
12 Lessons
Write an Exciting Story Middle
Not Enrolled
10 Lessons
Write an Intimate Personal Essay
Not Enrolled
18 Lessons
Write Dramatic Action Scenes
Not Enrolled
7 Lessons
Write Dramatic Character Relationships
Not Enrolled
12 Lessons
Write Great Subplots
Not Enrolled
12 Lessons
Write Vivid Character Descriptions
Not Enrolled
13 Lessons
Write Vivid Narration Workshop
Discover how to brainstorm and write strong, unique metaphors and similes that will bring beauty and power to your work. Master crafting imagery so that readers better understand and connect with your characters and story.
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Click here to Watch Barbara on YouTube!